This is a pretty old trick. So many of you might be knowing this
already. But some are still unaware of this, hence I thought of letting
them know.
I am very sure that many a times when you try to open, delete or move
a file or a folder, you get an error message saying it is already in
use. Even after trying to close all the programs which you think might
be using the file, it still throws up an error saying –“Cannot delete file: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.”
Here is where UNLOCKER comes to the rescue. Unlocker is a freeware application using which you can unlock any file or folder.
Just right click on the file which is causing the problem and click on Unlocker in the context menu. If the file is actually locked, you will get a dialog box like this
Using Unlocker you would not need to kill any process, but just unlock it from the handle controlling it at the backend. If you are still having problems interacting with the file (renaming, moving, or deleting it) select what you want to do from the drop-down on that same screen as above. That will prompt you for more info if needed (where you want it moved or what you want it renamed to). If Unlocker can’t do it now, it will take care of it after the next reboot when the file should be free.
Download Unlocker
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